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Meet Our LD29 Dems Board

Our board is currently comprised of 6 members. A Chair, 1st and 2nd Vice Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer and a Sergeant at Arms. These 5 members are all Precinct Committee People who have been elected by the other PCs of our Legislative District. They meet a minimum of once a month to discuss, and strategize how best to support and represent the people of LD29.

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Jim Ashurst

Sergeant at Arms

Who are the District 29 Democrats?

We are in northwestern Maricopa County stretching from just south of Wickenburg to just north of the I-10.  LD29 includes two dynamic Democratic clubs, Pebble Creek Dems & Sun City Grand Dems (Please let us know about any other Democratic clubs within our LD boundaries.) Our two neighboring legislative districts are LD25 (west) and LD28 (east).


Redistricting has transformed portions of four former Legislative Districts, LD 13, 21, 22, & 29, into the new LD29, one of 30 in Arizona. These cities and town are now in LD29: El Mirage, Luke AFB, Morristown, Surprise, Waddell, Wittman, Youngtown and parts of Glendale, Goodyear, Litchfield Park, Peoria & Phoenix.

LD29 includes parts of CD8 and CD9 and, it’s interesting to note, the following data about our district:

In LD29, 71% of Democrats voted in the 2020 general election;

  • In LD29, there are more than 134,097 active registered voters; of these, 26% are Democrats and 35% are Independents;

  • 83% of Democrats reside in CD9 and 17% reside in CD8;

  • In LD29/CD9,  20% of voters are Democrats and 38% are Independents;

  • In LD29/CD8, 24% of voters are Democrats while 32% are Independents.


In addition, the 2020 Census reports the total population of LD29 is 240,102. The representation of the community is 58% Non-Hispanic White, 27% Hispanic/Latino, 7% Black, and 4% AAPI, and 2% Native American.


What does this data tell us?  In order to win more Democratic seats, we must win over more Independents as well as turnout Democratic voters. Further, we must be aware and understanding of the various ethnicities in our communities in order to improve communication with these voters. Focusing on the best ways to reach out, engage and educate voters will enlighten their voting choices.

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